Saving Fred Challenge

For Saving Fred I was excited to try and use our ideas to save him, and I was excited to work with my teammates because I thought that we would work well together. I think that my group could have worked on staying on task and not goofing off, but I do think it was a lot more fun that way. I also think that my group did very well in working together and that made it very easy to complete the challenges. For example, when we had to put Fred into the lifesaver we worked together to make sure that the lifesaver was stretched enough so that Fred could fit in. We stretched it by using the paperclips and pulling it enough that Fred could fit in but not ripping it.

Displaying Sep 13, 2019 at 8:26 AM.HEIC

ETC Rapunzel building

What about the building process was challenging?

We tried 3D printing but it wasn’t working so we had to change our idea.

How did your build differ from your plan?

Instead of using a 3D printer we had to use paper.

How did your group work well together during the build? What would you do again?

We cheered each other on and when it didn’t work we helped each other with the second try.

How did your group struggle during the build? What would you change?

We argued a lot but I would change what we used to build. 

Native American Mascots

Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people should be changed.

they should change their mascot because it is rude and offensive to place stereotypes on people.   

Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why?

yes, because they were wronged and they should get some money from racism and stereotypes.   

Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain.

yes, because I don’t think the Native Americans chose these mascots so if a team suddenly chose me I wouldn’t be happy  

Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why?

yes because the Native Americans were wronged and they should be paid from stereotypes and racism