Before The Chicken

  • How do you think your work so far has prepared you for this project? 

My work so far has prepared me by showing me what I really have to do during the project and my steps will guide me through my work

  • What has been most helpful to you in this process?

The most helpful thing has been comparing my plan with my group and getting their thoughts and feedback.

  • How do you think working with a group will be helpful to you?

I think that working in a group will help me so we have different opinions, and can discuss what we do before we do it.



Chicken Plan

How did your research guide your plan? My research guided me by helping me understand what was needed in order to be able to mummify a chicken and what materials were needed in order to do that.

What new information did you find as you planned? I found that in most cases you need 8 pounds of salt and I added 2 more pounds just to be safe and I also learned that the process will take a little over 2 months.

How do you think this plan will work with your group members? I think my plan will work with my group members because I used very basic stuff and adding more unique aspects too.  

Timeline Reflection

What did you think of your finished product?

I think my finished product looks great and I am really proud of it.

How did this challenge you?

This project challenged me because there was one picture that I could get onto my Chromebook and that annoyed me.

What was fun or exciting about this project?

I thought that to be able to personalize our work is really fun

What are you most proud of from this process? 

I am most proud of my finished product and that I finished it in two days.

What would you change if you had to do it again?

If I had to do it again I would try to add more pictures and dates

Partner DBQ Reflection


  1. How do you analyze documents with a partner?

I analyze documents with my partner by combing thoughts and making one big thought.

  1. What is useful about working with a partner when you analyze sources?

We can discuss our opinions and see if they are similar.  

  1. What did you not like about working with a partner? Why?

I didn’t like how they sometimes got off task.

  1. Did working with a partner help you better answer our essential question? Why or Why not?

It didn’t it just helped me see if my thoughts were similar to other kid’s thoughts.

Timeline Refection

How did the events we looked at today lead to the cause of the Civil War?

they all had to do with slavery which was the main cause of the war.

How did this activity show us the lead up to the Civil War?

We had to find the timeline without talking which was harder than normal but it showed all the events and a little more detail about them.

What did you find most valuable about this activity?

I thought that the most valuable thing was researching the events and writing them down 

Why is it important to learn about the events that lead to the Civil War?

It is important because we need to know the events to understand the whole Civil War

Why do you think your event lead to the Civil War?

Yes because Abraham Lincoln didn’t like slavery and he was elected president that lead up to the Civil War.

Speed dating Refection

  • What role did your character play in causing the Civil War?

He really didn’t do much but he was a slave so he was fighting for freedom.

  • Did your Character believe in slavery? Why? Why not?

He didn’t because of him being a slave so he wanted to be free.

  • Does your character believe that the government should have the power to tell states what to do?

He believes that States shouldn’t be able to do whatever they want, and because of that he wouldn’t have been kicked out of the country 

  • What other person/people does your character believe is most at fault for causing the war?

He thinks that the south is at fault because they wanted slaves and he was one so that is how the war started.

  • Do you like the character you were assigned? Why?

I liked who I was given because I think he has a cool story and it was someone who I never knew about.

Primary Source Refection

How did the experiences of slaves first hand compared to what we have read about in the past? Were our secondary sources accurate to the slave experience? Explain.

The Comparison is that the Primary sources were less described than the Secondary on how hard it was and how painful it was.

What was one new thing you learned from reading these stories?

I learned from a slave’s perspective of how hard life was back then.

Did reading these stories from slaves change your perspective? How so?

Yes because reading what life was like for slaves is so different than what people go through life today. 

How do you think that the stories of slaves relate to our essential question of “Why do people move?”?

I think it relates because when slaves were sold they would move to different places even if they didn’t want to.

Why did slaves move? Be specific in your answer.

they moved because if their master didn’t want them they would sell them in an auction and then the slave would move to a different master’s household. 


Causes of Slavery

What were 3 causes for slavery? (this answer can be bullet points)

1. the masters need people to take care of their land

2. the masters needed help raising the family

3. the masters needed people to do their work

What did white slave owners use their slaves for? Why?

White people used their slaves for hard work because they didn’t want to.

What crops did slaves harvest? Why these crops?

Rice, corn, potatoes, cotton, sugar, and tobacco, because these were needed food, and clothing materials.

Where were most slaves from? Why?

Most slaves were from Africa because people thought Africans were worthless and they were racists.

Why did so many slaves move to the colonies? Was this their choice? Explain.

They moved because they were put onto ships and shipped there on boats. 

Why were there so many slaves in the colonies?

There were so many slaves in the colonies because people bought them and they were imported. 

Cornell Notes

Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? Did they help? Explain.

I used some of them and they did help me by giving me hard information.

How do you think you can use your Cornell notes in the future?

I can use them to help me research other things. 

What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? (This one you can just bullet point if you’d like)

I learned how to research better, I learned how to research with the questions, I learned about more about the colonies.

Why did we do this activity?

We did this to get better at researching.

How did you research for this activity?

I looked up the questions.

What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity?

I thought I couldn’t find the information.

How did you overcome your challenges?

I got help from Gev. Noorlander

Refection for Explorer Project

What about this project went well for you? Explain.

It was fun to research about and making my slide was fun and I think I did well.

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain.

It didn’t go well because I didn’t know If the other people who were researching the same person as me had the same facts.

How can you create a better project next time?

I could take more time and do a different thing instead of a slide maybe I could do a poster

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed?

I think it went well because I got it all done and I was able to find the information I needed.

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time?

They could give us more time and more options for what we could do.

What impact did explorers make?

The explorers impacted everyone because if they didn’t find what they found we don’t who would.