Capstone Interview

1. Who did you interview?

I interviewed my dad.

2. What is one new thing you learned from this process?

One of the new things that I learned is where some of my family is from. For example, I did not know I had family from Latvia and Lithuania. I also did not know that I have family currently living in Israel.

3. Is there anything that surprised you about your interview?

I was surprised of the variety of countries I have family from. I already knew I had family from Russia, Poland, Mexico, and Germany. I did not know I had family from Israel, Latvia, and Lithuania.

4.Did your interview(s) change you in any way? How so?

My interview didn’t really change me. I learned new information that was very interesting, but I didn’t really change me.

Capstone Reflection

My favorite speaker, so far, is  Sheldon Wasserman. He was my favorite speaker because he was entertaining and gave a good message. His message was “if you work hard, you can accomplish what you want.” This was a “heart” moment because it inspired me. It was inspiring to me because I want to be an NBA player when I grow up. This inspired me to work harder at basketball. It was also a “head” moment because it taught me to face antisemitism, one of the things you can do is act like you don’t care. When he was campaigning and knocking on people’s doors, he faced anti-semetic comments. He responded by saying something like “I don’t need your vote”. I also had “feet” moment because we both like to learn new things. He was definitely my favorite speaker, and I connected to him.