How Hitler Marginalized Minorities

To be marginalized means to be pushed to the side. In this case, it meant that instead of being a priority or even just a normal citizen. the Jews were treated like they were insignificant. Hitler’s policies made the Jews feel like they were nothing like they were insignificant. he took away their rights and made it so they were treated like they weren’t human. He had them start living together in small places and made it so they couldn’t practice their religion without fear of getting caught or killed.

Capstone Reflections

Recently we have had four speakers come in to help us try to answer our capstone question Who am in the world as a jew, citizen, and learner.

A heart experience is how you feel about something or your emotions. A head experience is gaining more knowledge or wanting to know about something.

I had a heart experience when one of the speakers was talking about helping kids who are in a juvenile detention facility, find education. Because most kids in juvenile detention centers don’t know how to read or write. So I think that that is a great thing to think of.

I had a head experience when the same speaker was talking about how he stood up to people when they were being antisemitic towards him. I wish I knew how to stand up for myself when people are being antisemitic.

I really like it when the same speaker was talking about making the Milwaukee public museum bigger and better than it was. Even when some kids thought that it might make it weird, he listened to what some of us had to say about making the new public museum better.


Mishoachot Reflection

1. What went well?
At the end of the 30 minutes, we didn’t have enough time to play our game so we just talked about things we were looking forward to.
2. What needs to change?
The kids didn’t want to participate in the blessings and we forgot to bless the challah, oops.
3. What help do you need from your teachers in this room and in the room of your family?
The teachers helped get the blessings done and quieted down the class.
4. What new ideas did you get for next time?
maybe leave a lot more time for a game because thats what the kids look forward to.

Concept Map

How did you make decisions about your map? Please share your thought process.

  When I was making the map instead of using the words to lead up into something, I used them as like when you start off with a single story and then it keeps going and like getting worse until it ends up with not wanting to learn history anymore because you like it discriminated for it. 

How do the choices you made help you answer the question Who am I in the world? Choose one or more of the categories to comment on (Jew, citizen, learner). In my opinion, who I am in the world as a Jew is, someone who doesn’t always go to services but when I go I enjoy it most of the time. 

Declaration of Independence Reflection

1. What role did equality and being equal play in that time period?

there was almost no equality during that time period. I think King George thought he was being fair but really he was being bad.
2. What does it mean to be an American citizen?
It meant to follow king Georges instructions.

3. some of the government ides are that the people get to vote for the people in the government instead of the king choosing.

4.if I was a colonist I would not like to be a loyal person because the rules the king made were terrible.

8th One Pager Summer Reading Assessment

Explain three choices you made on your one-pager which show your comprehension of the book or what you learned from the book

I choose to put the pink headphones on to Natashas side because that was pretty much how Natasha and Daniel met. I put the DUI sign on because when Natasha’s dad was driving under the influence he got a ticket and that’s how the government found out they were overstaying their travel visa. I put the stethoscope on Daniels side because his parents want him to go to Harvard and then become a doctor, but Daniel wants to be a poet instead.

Explain how you used color on your mind map.

I used the color on Daniels red tie because if the tie was any other color it wouldn’t have made as much sense. I the book they bring up Daniels red tie a lot and that’s even what Natasha calls Daniel “red tie” for a while. I colored both Natashas headphones and phone pink because in the book the emphasize that her phone case and headphones. I wanted to color Daniels notebook black just like in the book but if I wanted to write in the book I had to leave the book blank.

Explain two pieces of textual evidence and why you choose that text for your one-pager.

I used the quote “I don’t believe in the love” on Natashas side because over and over again in the book the tells the reader that she only believes in science and facts. The Quote “love is just chemicals and coincidence” in my opinion I feel like that shows what Natasha thinks of love.

Which learning goal did you do your best work on? Which one do you find challenging?

I think I did the best on managing my time because in the past I have trouble with time management. I think I had a hard time summarizing the text. Because I didn’t really summarize at all on my one-pager.

Reflection on Yom Hazikaron

The purpose of Yom HaZikaron is to remember the fallen soldiers that were defending Israel.

In order to facilitate Yom HaZikaron, my class helped by making a surface to help people see.

One thing I found meaningful was the stones that we put down.

Something that I hope students will remember about this day is the soldiers that got killed while defending Israel.

Invention Convention

This project is meaningful to me because I have a really messy room and my invention to prevent clutter. Soo this is meaningful to me because if I can make this I can have a cleaner room.