Capstone Reflections

Recently we have had four speakers come in to help us try to answer our capstone question Who am in the world as a jew, citizen, and learner.

A heart experience is how you feel about something or your emotions. A head experience is gaining more knowledge or wanting to know about something.

I had a heart experience when one of the speakers was talking about helping kids who are in a juvenile detention facility, find education. Because most kids in juvenile detention centers don’t know how to read or write. So I think that that is a great thing to think of.

I had a head experience when the same speaker was talking about how he stood up to people when they were being antisemitic towards him. I wish I knew how to stand up for myself when people are being antisemitic.

I really like it when the same speaker was talking about making the Milwaukee public museum bigger and better than it was. Even when some kids thought that it might make it weird, he listened to what some of us had to say about making the new public museum better.