ETC 3.19.18

Today in ETC we continued our Rube Goldberg. We’re basically done with everything except the testing. We tested it once but the dominoes did not work properly. At one point in their route, they are supposed to split up and go separate ways but one of our directions didn’t go all the way. So we reset the dominoes in a way that wouldn’t happen but right as we were about to put the final domino I knocked it over and ruined it. Oops.

Rube Goldberg Passover Challenge

Today in our Rube Goldberg project we made several modifications to our RG as a whole. We created the pulley that we will use to dump the food coloring into the bowl of water. We gave our marble a smoother surface to ride on using tape, and we tried our project on the table for the first time. Our last step, though, is very tricky. We plan to roll golf balls down a ramp which will knock our bowl of charoset onto a seder plate. The problem is, we couldn’t find a way to hold the balls still while the first part of the RG is happening.  They just kept sliding down the ramp. Also, the dominos we plan to use to knock down the golf balls didn’t even give the ball a push when they landed on it.

Monday Tefilah Reflection

Which tefilah elective have you been in?

Prayer Art

Describe what you have been doing in your elective.

I have been attempting to make a wood hotel(mini model).

What has been the best or most meaningful part of this elective?

Choosing mi sheibarach as a prayer to model.

What is one thing you have learned in your tefilah elective?

That there is more to a prayer than you see at the surface.

What is one thing you would change or improve about your elective?

I would give it more time.

What (related to your tefilah elective) do you still wonder about?

I don’t wonder about anything.

If there is anything else you want to share about your elective, please add it.


Impact of a Pharaoh

Which Pharaoh did you study?


What was the most interesting thing you learned about your pharaoh? Why did you find this to be so interesting?

It was said that a curse would befall upon anyone who touched his gold. I found it interesting because who doesn’t find random curses and stuff interesting?

What was the most challenging aspect of research while studying your pharaoh? Why?

Well, the fact that they lived a few thousand years ago and the world having next to none information on them certainly didn’t make our lives easier. I’d say the hardest part was finding credible sources.

What was the most challenging aspect of working with a partner throughout this project? Why?

My partner was gone for a whole week of this project so that meant I had to work alone on the project for a while.

What do you still wonder about your pharaoh or about pharaohs in general?

How did they choose which family started the next dynasty?