Egyptian G-ds

  • What is the largest difference between Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and our beliefs as Jews?

Probably the largest difference is that the Ancient Egyptians believed in multiple gods while we believe in only one God.

  • Which G-D did you find most fascinating?

I honestly found Ra as the most fascinating god we researched. I thought it was weird how the Egyptians thought he was actually the sun every day. I mean, could you imagine just having to sit there and be the sun forever? I assume that Ra lived a very boring (and hot) life. And getting swallowed by the dark every night would probably hurt if I was him.

  • What is one thing you are wondering about Ancient Egyptian religion?

If most of the kids didn’t go to school, how did all the kids learn about the gods and goddesses of the Egyptian religion? 

One Word Goal

My One Word Goal: Optimistic

One thing I can do this week to help me stick to my goal: I can be more optimistic about going to the art museum. I have not been very optimistic about it in the past.

One thing my teachers can do this week to help me stick to my goal: If I ever complain about something my teachers can remind me of my One Word Goal.

One thing my friends can do this week to help me stick to my goal: If my friends ever hear me complaining they can remind me of my One Word Goal.

One thing my family at home can do this week to help me stick to my goal: Make sure I keep an open mindset at home and at school. 

MPM Reflection

Which of the 10 exhibits we visited was your favorite? Why?

Personally, my favorite was the streets of old Milwaukee. It’s so cool all the details they put in. They take such care to make it seem realistic. We even saw a cat in between two buildings once! 

What is one new thing you learned at the museum yesterday?

I learned that a leaf was not an animal in the Butterfly exhibit. There was a table with buttons and depending on which button you pressed (each button was attached to an animal) it would either say yes this is an animal or no this is not an animal. The leaf was not an animal.

Which exhibit do you think you’ll highlight in your poem? Why?

Possibly Hell Creek. The sound of lightning gave me some inspiration. I think that I could make my best work from that exhibit.

ETC 1.18.18

Why do you think learning coding is important to your future?

If later in life I want to be a person who makes video games or something, I’ll have to know how to code.  Not only that, but also many other jobs that require the knowledge to code. It’s also a nice thing to have on your resume.

What was something that made you “wonder” (something you didn’t know before or have never thought about)?

How hard is it to code your own teleprompter?

Where was a connection you made between the article and your initial thoughts from Task 2? If so, what?

Yes, I talked about how it is nice to have it on your resume and so did he.

What more would you like to learn about coding? Or, what more would you like to do with coding? Are you interested in creating anything specific? (i.e. a video game, an app, a computer game)

I would like to code something besides a video game on scratch.

Chicken Mummification Day 7

Date: 1.16.18

Process Day: 33

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: Mkranitz

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: Eshamah

Picture Taker: Sgray

Procedure Police/Reflector:  Sgray


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. We started the process with newspaper (as always) but Slevitasgoren would refuse to join the group so Sgray had to do 2 jobs. Shoutout to Sgray =) (sgray wrote this)
  2. We uncovered the chicken from its snow-white mixture.
  3. We made the snow white mixture out of salt and baking soda.
  4. We finished our second box of salt
  5. We covered the chicken in our mixture and then we put it away.



Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken…How has the size changed? Color? Feel? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!!

Sight: The chicken looked like a tree in winter, with its light bark and the snow covering it.

Touch: It felt like picking up a heavy rock

Smell: It smelled like a chicken that was JUST bought from the store.

Index Card Challenge

Initial Experience

Earlier in the year, we did this exact same challenge. My groups’ ideas failed and we did not have a successful idea. I am hoping that it’s much better this time around.

Group Members

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: akaswan

Materials Manager: eshamah

Documenter: sgray

100 index cards

1 meter of scotch tape


We’ll bend both edges of the index card so that it can stand and hold something else at the same time. We’ll tape the cards and fold every card the same way. We’ll connect flat parts to flat parts.

Midway Reflection

What’s going well: It didn’t collapse.

What’s going badly: It’s small and unstable.We can’t add anything else without the whole thing falling over.

How can we improve our design: We can’t without it breaking.

2nd Attempt

Height: 15 1/2 in.

What did we end up changing from the original job: Everything. Our original plan was bombed after about the first 2 minutes.

What would we do differently next time: We would get an initial design that gives us more height.

How did group roles affect our building: sgray was the recorder and recorded stuff. He was the only one doing his job.


Prior Knowledge

Last year I stayed in the room a couple of times last year during recess and played around with the bloxels. I played around on some of the trending games, made a few levels on a game.


Our theme is human hunters. The predators are the humans and the prey is deer. The deer are trying to escape from the hunter’s guns. Here are the blocks we have to use.

The character is the deer. You are trying to get away from the humans hunting you. We made sure to have plenty of hazards. The hazards are the traps.

To Be Continued 1.17.18

Predator-Prey Graphing


*Explain the trend of increases and/or decreases for both the rabbit and wolf populations between the years 1930-1950.

The 2 animals mirror each other. When the wolf population goes up, the rabbit population goes down. And vise-versa.

*Look at the years 1987 and 1993. Explain your thinking as to why there is such a large difference in population numbers between those five years.

I think that 1987-1993 was like the baby boomers period for the wolves where every rabbit family had 20 baby bunnies and they increased the population by a lot.

*Analyze the population changes between 2000-2005.

When the wolf population had too many wolfs to feed, a lot of them died of hunger, which allowed the bunnies to reproduce without dying.

Chicken Mummification Day 6

Date: 1/8/18

Process Day: 24

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: eshamah

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:mkranitz

Picture Taker: Sgray

Procedure Police/Reflector: slevitas-goren


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. First, we got the old mixture off of the chicken.
  2. Next, We cleaned out the other tub.
  3. Then we mixed salt and baking soda in the clean tub.
  4. And then we put the mixture on the chicken.


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken..How has the size changed? Color? Feel? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!!

Sight: It looks like honey.

Touch: It feels like a rock.

Smell: It smells like dog breath.