A Poem About me Sacrificing for the Greater Good

Here is my poem:

Well, you ask me what I have to sacrifice this week? Okay, here it is;

I have not been able to go to school. That is not what I  would do if I could make things go my way.

I have to stay at home and do almost nothing (other than working and relaxing). NOT boring. But not that fun either.

I work then I work then I work then  play then I work then I work then I work then I eat then I work then I work then I work then I work then I work then I eat then I sleep (not really).

Then, if you think about it LONG and HARD, you would find out that there is not much else that I have had to sacrifice this week other than staying away from people.

For me, I think that I am pretty lucky. I don’t have to sacrifice much. I have a home and there people to take care of me, and I have things that I can use to get work done. Anyhow, what do you have to sacrifice during this time?

How is my poem???? Do you like it? Do you????

2 thoughts on “A Poem About me Sacrificing for the Greater Good

  1. I love your poem. Maybe you are spending more time playing than this poem indicates. You are definitely working hard too!

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I’m glad that you’re still feeling lucky and grateful even when you are making some sacrifices.

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