Reflection (Editorial)

The most important things I learned about writing editorials is that making an editorial is complicated. You have to do the research, make sure when you write it is in your own words, and edit.

One important thing I learned about researching this topic is there is not a lot of counter arguments, but there are some.

If I had to teach someone how to write an editorial, 2 tips I would give them would be: Try to find the true information, and put the editorial in your own words and when you do not, put “.

Student Led Conferences

At student led conferences I went through my Writers Workshop stuff, my Readers Workshop stuff and my Math stuff. Me and my teacher talked about how I need to slow down and take my time. We also talked about that I need to ask a teacher for help when I need it instead of just sitting there getting the problem wrong. In readers workshop I need to work on writing a variety of responses.  I kind of like being in charge of my conferences because it’s kind of hard but I like that I get to tell my parents what I am working on.