Who is Joshua?

Summary- Joshua was one of the 12 Spies that got sent over to what will be Israel to see if it’s safe for the Jews to go there but he was also Moses’s number one helper. Little does Joshua, no but he was also the next leader of the Israelites for when Moses died.  Joshua became a very great leader he was very much appreciated and very respected much more than most of the Jews could ever say about Moses while going through the desert. After  Joshua led the Jews into Canaan he later died in 1245 BC but the jews still had a great life. 

Deeper meaning- The Jews didn’t really like or understand how Moses was leading them so they probably were very happy that Moses died and now a good leader like Joshua’s taking over but Joshua was really like scared to take over and be in charge of hundreds and hundreds of people and make sure everyone was okay and safe so I think the deeper meaning is treated others how you want to be treated because Joshua felt bad that Moses died and he was sad and he was like mad all that stuff but he was still taking care of the Jews because that was his job and that was what he was entrusted to do when Moses died. 

Relevance to the modern world- A practical life lesson I see in this chapter is some really good leadership skills.