My School day now

My school day usually consists of a very short day just because I wake up early and then start almost right away in the morning. My schedule usually changes but this my schedule usually:

-Social Studies


-Jewish Studies


– Math


They are not always in that order but that is like a generalization of my schedule.

But now I like school more because I get to chose my schedule instead of before I was stuck in a boring classroom all day.



Who do I think is a leader: I think a leader is my Grandma because I have always looked up to her and even now when I can’t talk to her and I still look up to her and know that she will be my leader and inspiration.

Who is my Grandpa’s leader: His leader was either his Dad or his Brother.

These answers are different then what we learned about Joshua because these are people that we love ad are dear to us and helped us through life as far as they could while Joshua isn’t like that.

Blogs I read:

The blogs I read:

Student Blog Challenge💜


Facts I learned:

  • I learned that Olive has blonde hair and green eyes (I have green eyes).
  • I learned that Emily lives in Adelaide, Australia and is in 6th grade.
  • I learned that Kenzie changed her avatar from her dog to a personal portrait avatar.

The Four Sons BY: Bree

These are my depictions of the Four Sons.  so the evil son looks like a double because I picture any devil to be evil and since he is evil I added some stereotypical mean things I added a skull on his shirt and some fire above his head and one of those devil Spears and a devil tail gave him some yellow teeth because those are some bad things.  for the innocent child I think that babies are the most Innocent but I also thought that flowers and angels are also very innocent so I can buy in the mall and did a little baby inside a little bear onesie surrounded by flowers with a flower crown and an angel loop on top of his head and also put some fun on top of his head cuz I feel like Sunrise is very magical and innocent and I put a little one hair coming down and it was because I think that cute things are innocent so I just had to fit that in there.  the wise child is wearing a blue graduation cap and he has staff a big gray beard and a diploma in his hand because those are some things that make up a wise person in my mind and then there’s also a like grade A eggs are showering down around him because that’s what like I feel like grades would be for a wise person and I also researched and blue is the most “ smart color to represent Smart Things”. and the child that asks no questions as a bunch of question marks around him that have x’s over them because he asks no questions and he’s just a basic child with some closing and some shoes and some hair.


Civic Engagement

  • What forms does civic participation come in? Civic Participation ranges from individual volunteerism, community engagement efforts, organizational involvement and government work such as electoral participation.
  • Why does civic engagement matter? Civic Engagement matters because you are helping the community.