6th One Pager Reflection

  1. Explain the five choices you made on your one-pager and how they show your comprehension of the book or what you learned from the book. One choice I made on my project was a border that includes key charters. I made this choice because it shows I understood/learned who the key charters are.
  2. Another one is symbolism and quotes. I put this because I want them to know about my book.
  3. Another one is I put key charters from the text. I did this because I want them to know who is in my book.
  4. Another one is images and themes I put this so they can see about the book.
  5. Another one was labeled. I put labels so they know what somethings are.


1. Explain two pieces of textual evidence from your map, and why you choose that text for your one-pager. Some quotes I put where “No one has knocked one this door” and “you better eat your gum” I put this saying because the people at the lumber mill eat gum for lunch.


The lattice method is very organized because of the lines that divide it to make organized. Lattice method is a very funny method because it sounds like lettuce so that is what it remands me of. The lattice method is very unique because there are numbers in a box but they still mange to put lines in order in it. This sounds hard but we have not done the lattice method in class yet so I cannot wait to do it in class. I can’t wait to learn the lattice method.