Cereal Box Challenge



Today’s Challenge: Create a new kind of cereal and its box. Using a piece of poster board, you and your team need to create your own box, with the goal of having the largest possible volume.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Participation): I want to not interfere with what other people are doing.


My goal for participation today within my team is to let other people do stuff too. I find myself sometimes doing some other people work, so I want to try not to do that.


My Individual Plan

Why I think my plan will be successful:

It will be successful because that is how you fold a flat sheet of paper into a box. and I think cinnamon rice Krispies would taste amazing.


Our Group’s Plan 


We chose this plan because it was all of our plans combined.


Possible challenges that may come up during construction is that the tape may come off and it would break.


Each team member will be responsible for Cutting drawing taping and folding.


After the Build


Our design worked well because we had flaps to tape and the flaps were the same size so they all fit together when we taped it.


This activity was challenging because at first, we didn’t know what size to make the flaps.


This activity was comfortable because once we got the measurements all we had to do is cut color and tape. 


I met my teamwork participation goal by letting my groupmates cut and color.


A strength of my team was we all had jobs, I colored AO taped and AK cut.


An area of growth for my team is when we disagreed we tended to get pretty loud.


For our next challenge, my new teamwork participation goal for myself is to not argue as loudly so we don’t disturb our neighbors. 


Index Card Challenge


Today’s Challenge: Using only an index card and scissors find a way to cut your index card so you can fit your entire body through it.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Organization/Planning):


My goal for organization/planning today within my team is to not say that other plans are dumb, and I should try every plan. I also don’t want to make a mess so I don’t have to clean up later.


My Individual Plan My plan is to fold the paper then cut a zig-zag in it then unfold it and it will have a big hole.


Why I think my plan will be successful: I will be successful because when I will unfold it will be all connected in a big circle.


Our Group’s Plan Our plan is to fold the paper then cut a zig-zag in it then unfold it and it will have a big hole.


We chose this plan because when we unfold it there will be a big hole in it.


Possible challenges that may come up during construction are that it may not work or it may break.


Each team member will be responsible for cutting and making a plan.


After the Build

It didn’t work


Our design worked well because if we just made one more cut it would have worked


This activity was challenging because it was so hard to cut it in just the right way to have it correct,


This activity was comfortable because we had a supply of postcards for when we failed.


I met my teamwork organization/planning goal by letting my teammates share their goals.


A strength of my team was no one complained about much.


An area of growth for my team is we could  have had more grit and not get angry,


For our next challenge, my new teamwork organization/planning goal for myself is to do my teammates ideas too.


Why are Midterm Elections Important?

What do Midterm Elections decide in the government?

The midterm elections decide who is in Congress and in the Senate. it also decides what party is dominating in either: republican or democratic.

How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections?

people can have more rights, or they can have them taken away. this can cause protests and by protests I mean large protests. people can get very angry if they don’t have the rights they want.

What can citizens do to get people they want elected?

They can put signs on their lawns that say “vote for insert name here”. they can also talk to their friends to try to convince them to vote for whoever.

Why do Midterm Elections exist?

So Congress and the Senate don’t always have the same people and so that not only republican dominates, or not only democratic dominates.

Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions?

So there is more diversity and not everything stays the same and so for at least 2 years, some people are happy. then the next 2 years some other people may be happy.