Roler coaster lab write up

  • Potential energy (stored energy)
  • Kinetic energy (energy of motion)
  • Conservation of energy (basic law of physics)
  • Gravity
  • Velocity
  • Friction
  • Slope (rise/run)

Materials I used: Masking tape and foam tubing.

Summary of my project: It starts about 6 feet in the air, goes down through a loop then goes down again.



What starting height was needed for the marble to make it through the loop most of the time?

6 feet.

What can you determine about the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy?

The more potential energy there is the more kinetic energy there will be.

Rube Goldberg

Is your machine completed? 




How many transfers do you have? 5 or more

Have you tested what you do have? No

What materials do you still need? I really don’t know SK is basically in charge.

Have you double checked your rubric to make sure you have met all the requirements? Yes

Are you concerned about not being completed on time? Why or why not? Have you communicated this to your teachers? YES, I do not think we will be done, and no we have not told a teacher.


Rube Goldberg Passover Challenge

What went well today?

We finished the guy with boils.

What was challenging?

Making a funnel

How many attempts did you try before finding success? If you did not find success, what do you think you need to try on Monday?

1 try

What are the next steps for your group?

To make a track for the end.

Are there any additional materials your group needs to gather?

We need to get a track and marbles and a toy car

Rube Goldberg Passover Challange

What went well today?

We made it so the pulley could stand.

What was challenging?

Nothing really.

What steps went into deciding your final design?

We made it so that the final step was going to be something going down a track..

How many attempts did you try before finding success? If you did not find success, what do you think you need to try on Monday?

2 times.

What are the next steps for your group?

To make a  guy on cardboard.

Are there any additional materials your group needs to gather?

Marbles and a track.

Monday Tefilah reflections

Which tefilah elective have you been in?


Describe what you have been doing in your elective.

we are meditating and drawing

What has been the best or most meaningful part of this elective?


What is one thing you have learned in your tefilah elective?

meditating is relaxing and fun

What is one thing you would change or improve about your elective?


What (related to your tefilah elective) do you still wonder about?


If there is anything else you want to share about your elective, please add it.


Elements of Plot

What book are you currently reading?

Catching Fire


Why did you choose this book?

Because it is the second in a series that I’m reading.


Thinking about your book, Who are the main characters?

Peeta, Gale, and Katniss,


What was the inciting incident, or the moment that takes place that creates the story?

The president will kill the main character’s family if she doesn’t do what he says.


What smaller problems happened in the book?

The president will kill the main character’s family if she doesn’t do what he says.


Have you reached the climax of your book? What was the big moment of tension?



Have you reached the resolution? If yes, is it what you thought would happen? If not, how do you think the problem will be resolved?

I think they are going to escape into the woods


What type of conflict has occurred in your book?

Character vs character.

Katniss vs President Snow

Memoir update

We’ve been working on writing memoirs in ELA for the past few weeks. Here is an update on what I’ve accomplished/learned at each stage of the writing process.


The part of the writing process that has been the most comfortable for me has always been drafting because I was always free to do whatever I want, until the next stage (revising) then I have to do it again with less space to do what I want.


The part of the writing process that has been the most challenging for me has always been Generating Ideas because I’m not good at generating ideas. but when I do get an idea I always tell myself that it’s not good enough or its stupid. 




I’ve learned the characteristics of a memoir are: It has to be a true story, it’s written in chronological order, it includes descriptive details, it usually has a reflection, the writer is in the story, it usually includes the writer’s friends family ETC, and many memoirs are meant to make the reader feel something (happy sad ETC)


I think the characteristic I really want to focus on in my writing is detail because I need to work on adding more detail to my stories.


My favorite memoir mentor text was Sitti’s because the author had events that were happening at that time in the memoir.




Generating Ideas/Selecting



Why do you want to share this idea/story with others?

Because it was the first time I caught a somewhat big fish.


What emotions do you want your reader to feel as they read your memoir? 





Here is my first draft:



One thing I think I did really well is, add detail because I was really pushing myself to do that.


As I head into editing and revising, one thing I want to focus on is punctuation because I have never been good at it.


Stay tuned for another post soon as I work on revising my first draft. If you have any SHE (specific, helpful, empathetic) feedback, please leave it as a comment!